Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Week 8 - An Update on the Team Project II

Progress on the team project has been going well so far. A day after we discussed our ideas in the previous update post, I asked Rachel and Chenming for their email accounts so that I could add them to a shared Google Slides presentation. I did this because I wanted a convenient way that we could all work together on the slideshow at our own pace and also because of the feature to be able to see what work and edits we've made. It's very convenient in comparison to the alternatives such as working separately and compiling our work together at the end because, with an approach like that, there is always a worry that there might be overlapping information or contrasting tone of voice.

There have been some struggles such as debates about changing the topic enterally into something more general. There was also some worry that another team might be doing a project on fast fashion, but we eventually agreed that even if that were the case we'd probably end up covering different topics such as waste in the medical field. Previously, Rachel created a useful layout for the presentation based on the ideas we discussed. Out of the 12 slides we each chose to do 4 each so that we have an equal amount of work to do. Rachel chose to do the introduction, materials, production of products and the way that companies transport the goods. I chose to fast fashion today particularly with regards to the medical field, damage caused by emissions, the quality and sustainably of goods and alternative ways of transport. Chenming will be covering textile recycling, how employers can reduce the harmful effects of the industry, ways to reduce waste and ways to not overproduce.

I chose my slides because I felt that those were the most interesting topics to me and I think that these topics tend to be overlooked. Fast fashion is often known for its terrible working conditions, which is important to acknowledge and talk about, but there are other negative that it causes to the environment. Team dynamics are playing out quite well as we meet up on Second Life and talk fairly often, always starting with some casual small talk. I'd say that my role in the team is still being a plant as mentioned in the last post and perhaps an implementer. I prefer to work behind the scenes by coming up with ideas and doing the work behind the scenes. I'm fairly efficient when it comes to working with the technicals. I think that so far things have been playing out well. We have a good variety of topics and a plan moving forward, I can confident that we'll make a good presentation.

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